Aplikasi kirim pesan dan panggilan video. Sangat Mudah kirim teks, audio, foto dan video
Aplikasi ini di buat dengan tujuan agar kita sama sama siap melakukan hal yang lebih baik.
Whatsapp Muslim sengaja di publikasikan agar mudah dimanfaatkan dalam kebaikan.
Mari ajak keluarga, teman dan saudara untuk menggunakan aplikasi Whatsaap Muslim
Mari cegah mengirimkan sesuatu hal yang mengandung unsur kejahatan.
Segala penyalahgunaan aplikasi bukan menjadi tanggung jawab pengelola.
The application sends messages and video calls. Very easy to send text, audio, photos and videos
This application was created with the aim that we are both ready to do things better.
Whatsapp Muslim is deliberately published so that it is easy to use in goodness.
Let's invite family, friends and relatives to use the Muslim Whatsaap application
Let's prevent sending something that contains elements of crime.
The application sends messages and video calls. Very easy to send text, audio, photos and videos
All misuse of the application is not the responsibility of the manager.
The application sends messages and video calls. Very easy to send text, audio, photos and videos
This application was created with the aim that we are both ready to do things better.
Whatsapp Muslim is deliberately published so that it is easy to use in goodness.
Let's invite family, friends and relatives to use the Muslim Whatsaap application
Let's prevent sending something that contains elements of crime.
All misuse of the application is not the responsibility of the manager.
The application sends messages and video calls. Very easy to send text, audio, photos and videos
This application was created with the aim that we are both ready to do things better.
Whatsapp Muslim is deliberately published so that it is easy to use in goodness.
Let's invite family, friends and relatives to use the Muslim Whatsaap application
Let's prevent sending something that contains elements of crime.
The application sends messages and video calls. Very easy to send text, audio, photos and videos
All misuse of the application is not the responsibility of the manager.